Wednesday, 10 November 2010


It happened by pure accident,that I'm here.
My excuses,after being zombified for almost a week,since last Saturday.
I couldn't sleep early. although posting this will definitely gets rolling-eyes from mom. but I do eat well.I'm getting chubbier and fuglier these days thanks to the stress on excessive notes and texts. :(
Am going on a diet now.Trust me.I will lose weight.Hope so by friday although it's impossible.

Despite the stress,prom's coming.
It's a tiny candy for my zombie-life. but somehow there was this small little fear inside me that pulls me away from the sweetness of this candy.The fear sometimes punch me,hard. and it's hard to grab hold of everything in control without torning up.

Yes,I am a dreamer. and I hope to achieve every dreams I had,on my own.I disallowed those intruders that clashed into my life and crashed it.I have my own future rely on me.No one's going to tell me who I should be.I'll tell them who I am.I trusted myself.and I shall not fear of anything because I know that no matter what happen,He's with me,holding my hands and lead me to Him.
and yes,I still dreamed of taking daddy to New York City someday. and I shall die with no regrets."I bear a charmed life".

My lashes are heavy now.Gonna hit the bed soon.
Feel like dressing up my Barbie Doll.LOL.

Lets hope tomorrow's a great fine day.
Dream Big,Darling Yvette♥

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